Mail orders will become available on the website in the last week of August ready to be sent on the first Monday in September.
Available plants should include temperate water lilies and lotus.
Mail orders will become available on the website in the last week of August ready to be sent on the first Monday in September.
Available plants should include temperate water lilies and lotus.
The first of our lotus are now available for mail order this season.
More may become available over the next few weeks but much of the range is already in stock.
Lotus mail order season is short and plants will likely be too big to mail in just a few months.
Lotus are not yet available as potted plants at the nursery for retail sale, they will be in a month or so. But once they are available they will be available all summer beyond the limited season for bare rooted lotus in the mail.
Lotus mail orders have been discontinued for 2016 as the plants are now too advanced to bare root and post.
Lotus mail orders will be available again some time again next Spring.
Advanced potted lotus plants of almost all our varieties currently remain available for retail purchase at our nursery and will likely remain available until at least around March 2017.