Mail orders will become available on the website in the last week of August ready to be sent on the first Monday in September.
Available plants should include temperate water lilies and lotus.
Mail orders will become available on the website in the last week of August ready to be sent on the first Monday in September.
Available plants should include temperate water lilies and lotus.
We have now made some stock of Lindsey Woods available for the first time on our web site.
Lindsey Woods is a striking purple tropical water lily flower that contrasts strongly with its almost black sepals and flower stalks and its dark foliage.
Update: 21/1/2019 And due to significant demand we are now already out of stock of Lindsey Woods for mail order. It remains available as an advanced potted plant at our nursery retailing for $45.
We will list it available for mail order again as stocks and seasonal limitations allow.
Mail orders for our early Spring stock, a small selection of water iris, and our first temperate water lilies of the season have been enabled.
The first orders will be sent out on Monday the 20th of August.
This year we have added a new water lily to our online range, Wanvisa a hardy high performance lily with strikingly attractive variegated flowers. Check it out as it is an excellent plant both for beginners and experienced collectors alike.
The last available water lilies in our online catalog have been disabled for the Winter off season. The lilies will be available for mail order again through Spring.
Other plants will briefly remain available before Winter.
Water lilies and a wide range of other plants not available through mail order remain available for retail purchase, at different prices as advanced potted plants, at our nursery.
Tropical Water lilies are no longer available on the site for mail order. There are still miscellaneous plants available for a limited time before closure of mail orders entirely for winter.
Tropical Water lilies (and temperate lilies) are still available as potted advanced plants for retail sale at our nursery.
Temperate and Tropical Water Lilies and Lotus will be made available for mail order again next season as they become ready for division and postage starting in early Spring with Temperate Lilies and then Lotus and running to late Spring for Tropical lilies.
We have made a selection of our plants available and in stock on the web site for early Spring mail orders.
For now available plants are limited primarily to most of our Temperate Water lily range, a selection of our miscellaneous plants and just the very earliest of our lotus varieties.
More lotus varieties, other plants and later tropical lilies will be made available on the site as the season progresses.
As usual orders will be sent out on Mondays for the best mailing times, and we will be sending out the first batch of mail orders on Monday August the 8th.
The mail order season for temperate water lilies is coming to a close. If you want any temperate lilies get your orders in this week and they will be sent out on the 23rd of February at which point temperate lilies will no longer be available for mail order until Spring.
Temperate lilies will remain available for retail purchase on site at our nursery and Tropical lilies will remain available both retail on site and mail order for a short while longer.
The first of our temperate water lilies are ready for early Spring. This means we have just made the majority of our range of temperate water lilies available for mail order on the web site.
A few later season or low stock varieties may be made available later depending on conditions, while tropical lilies will still be a few months off. Lotus and a range of miscellaneous plants will be made available very soon.
On Monday the 3rd of March we will be sending out the last temperate water lilies of the season for mail order customers.
If you want a temperate water lily you should order it as soon as possible so you do not miss out.
Temperate water lilies will be available for mail order again next season some time in Spring.
Temperate water lilies will remain available for retail sale as potted plants at our nursery.
Tropical water lilies and many of our other plants remain available for mail order. However tropical water lilies will only be available for mail order for about one month longer than temperates. So we recommend you place your orders for those as soon as possible too.
The first run of tropical water lilies are now available for mail order. They will be available until the Christmas mail order break and will be available again, possible with additional later tropical varieties after the break ends around new year.
Meanwhile our lotus mail orders are starting to be turned off. Many larger lotus varieties are now too large to post, smaller, later and hardier varieties are on for an extra week or so, but are likely to turned off shortly. So if you want mail order lotus you should order soon. They will not be turning back on in the new year and will remain unavailable for mail order until next season. However Lotus will of course still be available retail at our nursery as advanced and flowering plants in 33cm flower buckets.