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Tropical Water Lily orders disabled for Winter

Unfortunately it is now the end of the Water Lily mail order season, the remaining tropical water lilies have been turned off for online mail order as it is no longer a suitable time to transplant them.

Temperate water lilies will be available again some time in early Spring, and tropical lilies some time in late Spring/early Summer. Availability updates will appear here in the site news.

Meanwhile why not check out our Louisiana Water Iris sale.

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Temperate Water Lily Mail Orders ended for Winter

Temperate water lilies are now unavailable for mail order on our web site as they will soon be going into winter dormancy and it is no longer particularly suitable to repot and divide them.

Temperate water lilies will continue to be available retail at our nursery all year.

Tropical water lilies will continue to be available on our web site for about another month before they are made unavailable for their later winter dormancy period.

Temperate water lilies will be made available for mail order again on our web site some time in early Spring.


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End of Temperate Lily Season Coming Soon

Anyone interested in mail order of Temperate Water Lilies should place their orders now, as we are coming towards the end of the season for dividing and potting temperate lilies and they will soon be made unavailable for mail order.

They should be fine to receive and pot up until we stop sending them later this month, so place your orders now.

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Christmas Mail Order Announcement


For those ordering around Christmas and December.

Due to delays in post and various postal holidays surrounding the Christmas period we do not send out mail orders in the weeks immediately surrounding that time of year.

As such Our Last Mail Orders for 2012 will be sent out on Monday 3rd Of December.

So if you want to make a Christmas mail order this is your last chance to get your mail orders in this week before Monday.

Mail orders will resume on the 7th of January 2013.


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Celebrate Lotus Event

On Sunday the 16th of December we will be speaking at the Woodville school of arts about growing lotus and aquatic plants as part of the Celebrate Lotus event being held at Albion Gardens a local private garden that will be open for the day to display it’s extensive plantings of lotus plants in full bloom.

There will be Lotus and other water plants available for sale entry to the gardens will be $10 and free for children. All funds raised go to support the Woodville School of Arts. If you have any interest in growing water plants or want to see an amazing large planting of lotus in full bloom within a fantastic and extensive private garden it is an event you do not want to miss.

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Lotus Mail Orders Ended

It’s been a good year for lotus and the plants are unfortunately already too large to continue to send in the mail. All lotus on the web site are now listed as unavailable for online mail order.

However you can STILL BUY LOTUS ON SITE AT THE NURSERY. And in fact it is now the prime season in which to do so as plants are becoming advanced and established and beginning to produce flower buds.

Our on site lotus are priced differently (this year $40 for a 33cm bucket, some limited rare varieties at $65), but you receive an advanced potted plant instead of a bare rooted plant.

If you are interested in buying our lotus and can make it to the nursery we recommend you do so for larger plants and a larger selection of varieties. And of course for the extended seasonal availability starting now.

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First lotus available for mail order

Here at the nursery we have begun dividing and repotting our early varieties of Lotus. This is the ideal time to order them in the mail and we have started listing the first shooting varieties of lotus as in stock on the web site.

Over the coming month even more of our lotus will be made available. But some of our top varieties including new ones like Hunter Blaze are now already listed as ready to order!