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Tropical Water Lilies

The first run of tropical water lilies are now available for mail order. They will be available until the Christmas mail order break and will be available again, possible with additional later tropical varieties after the break ends around new year.

Meanwhile our lotus mail orders are starting to be turned off. Many larger lotus varieties are now too large to post, smaller, later and hardier varieties are on for an extra week or so, but are likely to turned off shortly. So if you want mail order lotus you should order soon. They will not be turning back on in the new year and will remain unavailable for mail order until next season. However Lotus will of course still be available retail at our nursery as advanced and flowering plants in 33cm flower buckets.

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Lotus and Christmas mail orders

Lotus Mail Orders Ending Soon

We are recommending that Anyone interested in ordering Lotus plants from us mail order should do so soon. As in the near future we will be turning them off on the web site for the season as they are about to be too large to send in the mail.

Lotus plants will remain available for retail purchase at our nursery as potted plants for the rest of Summer.

Mail Orders Will Be Suspended Near Christmas

Also anyone planning to mail order plants for Christmas needs to be aware that we will not be sending out any mail orders in the weeks immediately before Christmas as the mail tends to be significantly delayed and your mail order plants might suffer as a result.

The last day that we will send out mail orders before suspending them over Christmas will be on the 9th of December. However we would recommend that anyone wanting to avoid mail order delays instead place their order in time for us to send it the week before on the 2nd of December.

Mail orders will resume in the new year.

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Display at Hunter Valley Gardens

As part of a month long Festival Of Flowers event at Hunter Valley Gardens we have set up a small display of some of our various rare plants. The display will be on site all through September.

Also as part of the event some of our staff will be giving talks about Lotus on Saturday the 14th of September (12:30-12:30 and 1:30 to 2:00) and on Sunday the 15th of September (11:30-12:00 and 1:30-2:00).

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Mail Orders Now Open For Spring

We have re-opened mail orders for our early Spring plants. The first orders will be sent out on Monday the 12th of August and mail orders will proceed to go out on the Monday after payment confirmation each week after that.

Our early spring range includes most of our Temperate Waterlilies and a variety of miscellaneous water plants and bog plants, these include some of our hardiest and longest season water lilies and water plants.

We have added a new section for “Package Deals”. Mailing costs have increased this year and the Package Deals section is designed to provide small packages of plants that customers making smaller orders might like to purchase with a discounted mailing cost included in the package instead of applying our flat mailing fee after selecting custom plants from the site. If you are just ordering one or two lilies you can save a little money on postage by ordering a package deal option, and if you just want a nice selection of quality in seasonĀ  plants for a water bowl or small pond you can choose to leave the selection of plants to us.

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Mail orders closing for Winter

It is currently the time of year that we are deactivating most of our mail order plants, especially all lilies and lotus, for the winter season during which they are dormant and unlikely to survive travel in the post.

Some plants like water irises and various native water plants are winter hardy and will remain available for purchase.

The deactivated plants will become available again as they become ready, starting with temperate lilies and early water plants in Spring.

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Louisiana Water Iris, Special Winter Sale

Now is the ideal time of year to plant Louisiana Water Iris. These exceptionally tough and versatile plants grow primarily over winter in sunny or shady positions in boggy soil or submerged in the water. Then, in early Spring produce large and decorative Iris flowers in a wide range of attractive colours.

We have placed a large selection of our Louisiana Water Iris on sale, including many of our best and most popular varieties to encourage people to get them now, while the time is right.

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Tropical Water Lily orders disabled for Winter

Unfortunately it is now the end of the Water Lily mail order season, the remaining tropical water lilies have been turned off for online mail order as it is no longer a suitable time to transplant them.

Temperate water lilies will be available again some time in early Spring, and tropical lilies some time in late Spring/early Summer. Availability updates will appear here in the site news.

Meanwhile why not check out our Louisiana Water Iris sale.

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Temperate Water Lily Mail Orders ended for Winter

Temperate water lilies are now unavailable for mail order on our web site as they will soon be going into winter dormancy and it is no longer particularly suitable to repot and divide them.

Temperate water lilies will continue to be available retail at our nursery all year.

Tropical water lilies will continue to be available on our web site for about another month before they are made unavailable for their later winter dormancy period.

Temperate water lilies will be made available for mail order again on our web site some time in early Spring.