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Pre-Season Lotus Sale, 30% off Selected Varieties

For a limited time only several of our Lotus are available for 30% off the standard price.

In addition because of the early Spring at the nursery the varieties on sale are available NOW significantly earlier than usual.

So if you want lotus early this year, there are some available already and on sale.

Customers in cooler climates may still want to wait a few weeks depending on their local weather conditions.

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Early Spring Mail Orders Now Open

It’s early Spring and we have re-opened mail orders on the web site for a range of early water plants including a selection of Louisiana Water Iris.

In the next month or so Temperate Water Lilies and Lotus will also be made available. In the mean time a small selection of Lotus will be available as part of a Pre-Season Lotus Sale.

Customers in cooler regions may wish to wait a few extra weeks before ordering plants for best results, if you are uncertain about the suitability of a plant to your local climate you can contact us.

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Mail Orders Disabled For Winter

All mail orders are now turned off for the winter off season. The last orders for this season have been mailed out on Monday the 28th of April 2014.

Plants will be available again for mail order starting with an early Spring activation of early temperate water lilies and early miscellaneous water plants.

In the mean time plants are still available all year retail on site at our nursery.

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Mail Order Season For Tropical Water Lilies Has Ended

Tropical water lilies are now listed as out of stock on the mail order catalog for the winter dormancy season.

They will be available again for mail order next season some time in late Spring.

Tropical water lilies are still available on site at the nursery as advanced potted plants.

Miscellaneous water plants are still available for mail order for now, but will be deactivated soon for the winter off season. So make any remaining orders soon.

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Last Orders For Tropical Water Lilies

Tropical water lilies will soon be made unavailable for mail order on the web site for the up coming winter dormancy period.

The last orders for tropical water lilies taken over the next few days will go out on Monday the 31st, then no further tropical lilies will be sent this season. So if you want to order tropical lilies you should do so quickly.

Plants, including lilies will still be available retail as advanced potted plants at our nursery and mail order will resume next Spring starting with temperate lilies. Tropical lilies will be made available again some time in late Spring or early Summer.

Our range of miscellaneous water plants may be available a little longer but those will also be disabled for mail order some time soon when we shut down all mail orders for the brief winter dormancy period.

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Temperate Water Lily Mail Orders Off For Winter

Temperate water lilies have been turned off on the mail order catalog for their up coming winter dormancy.

They remain available retail at our nursery as advanced potted plants.

The last orders containing Temperate Water lilies have now been sent out on Monday the 3rd of March.

Temperate lilies will be available for mail order again some time in early Spring.

Tropical lilies are still available for mail order due to their later dormancy period but they will only be available bare rooted for about another month.


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Last Orders For Temperate Lilies

On Monday the 3rd of March we will be sending out the last temperate water lilies of the season for mail order customers.

If you want a temperate water lily you should order it as soon as possible so you do not miss out.

Temperate water lilies will be available for mail order again next season some time in Spring.

Temperate water lilies will remain available for retail sale as potted plants at our nursery.

Tropical water lilies and many of our other plants remain available for mail order. However tropical water lilies will only be available for mail order for about one month longer than temperates. So we recommend you place your orders for those as soon as possible too.

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Mail Orders Disabled For December

Mail orders on the web site have been disabled for the Christmas mailing period. Due to postal delays at this time of year it becomes impossible to guarantee that plants will arrive in a timely and healthy condition.

Mail orders will be re-activated in the new year.

If your order was confirmed before the 9th of December then it was sent out on the 9th of December with the last of the mail orders before the Christmas mailing period.

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Lotus Mail Orders Over For Season

Our lotus plants are now too large to send in the mail. They have now been set to out of stock on the web site. They will be available next year some time in Spring for new mail orders.

However in the mean time we will continue to sell lotus plants retail on site at our nursery out to at least March, and encourage you to come buy and purchase them as advanced flowering plants in 33cm buckets for $40 or $65 depending on variety.

If you are able to make the trip not only is the purchasing season extended but you will get a more advanced established plant that is easier to grow and may already be in flower.