A selection of our early season water plants is now available for mail order.
Water lilies are not yet available, but early temperate lilies will be available very soon. A news post will be made when they are.
A selection of our early season water plants is now available for mail order.
Water lilies are not yet available, but early temperate lilies will be available very soon. A news post will be made when they are.
Tropical water lilies are no longer available on the website for mail order over the up coming winter dormancy period.
They are still available retail as advanced potted plants at our nursery.
Tropical lilies will be listed as available on the website again early next season some time in late spring or early summer.
A small selection of late season water plants remain available for mail order over the next few weeks until we close all mail orders for winter.
The mail order season for temperate water lilies is coming to a close. If you want any temperate lilies get your orders in this week and they will be sent out on the 23rd of February at which point temperate lilies will no longer be available for mail order until Spring.
Temperate lilies will remain available for retail purchase on site at our nursery and Tropical lilies will remain available both retail on site and mail order for a short while longer.
Mail orders on the web site are once again enabled for the new year. Temperate and Tropical water lilies and many other water plants are now available.
Meanwhile a few changes are being made to the web site so featured plants and some minor text alterations may be in process for the next week or so.
Mail orders have been disabled for December due to the slow and unreliable package delivery during this period. They will be enabled again some time shortly after new year.
Due to the slow mail around Christmas we will be shutting down mail orders in around 3 weeks (in early December) and leaving them closed for most of December.
Plants will be listed as unavailable and no mail orders will be able to be placed for much of December, mail orders will be reactivated some time around New Year and sent out starting on the first Monday of the first full mailing week after that.
We apologize for any inconvenience but find this is an important measure to ensure plants travel quickly enough in the post that they arrive alive and healthy for our customers.
Tropical water lilies are now available for mail order.
Most varieties are available and the few not immediately available now may become available in the next few months.
Tropical water lilies will be available for the rest of summer both mail order and retail at our nursery.
We have made many of our varieties of lotus available for mail order on the web site as they are now ready to be mailed out and planted for Spring.
Lotus mail order season is relatively short and some time in late Spring or early Summer plants will become too large to send in the post, and now is the prime season to start them anyway. Also we have relatively limited stocks available of some varieties. So if you are after lotus we recommend you place your orders while stocks last.
For customers visiting the watergardens Lotus is not yet available as an advanced potted retail plant at the nursery but should be ready in a month or two.
The first of our temperate water lilies are ready for early Spring. This means we have just made the majority of our range of temperate water lilies available for mail order on the web site.
A few later season or low stock varieties may be made available later depending on conditions, while tropical lilies will still be a few months off. Lotus and a range of miscellaneous plants will be made available very soon.
Our pre season lotus sale is now over, but despite that you can still get Bunga Baby at the discount price.
If you are looking for more choice from our range of lotus in just a few weeks our regular lotus mail order season will begin with most of the rest of the range being made available at the regular price.