Mail orders have be reactivated on the web site for the second half of Summer. The first batch have been sent out on the 13th.
Category: Uncategorized
Lotus and Christmas mail orders
Lotus Mail Orders Ending Soon
We are recommending that Anyone interested in ordering Lotus plants from us mail order should do so soon. As in the near future we will be turning them off on the web site for the season as they are about to be too large to send in the mail.
Lotus plants will remain available for retail purchase at our nursery as potted plants for the rest of Summer.
Mail Orders Will Be Suspended Near Christmas
Also anyone planning to mail order plants for Christmas needs to be aware that we will not be sending out any mail orders in the weeks immediately before Christmas as the mail tends to be significantly delayed and your mail order plants might suffer as a result.
The last day that we will send out mail orders before suspending them over Christmas will be on the 9th of December. However we would recommend that anyone wanting to avoid mail order delays instead place their order in time for us to send it the week before on the 2nd of December.
Mail orders will resume in the new year.