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Mail Orders End for Winter

Mail orders have been disabled for the Winter dormancy period. A limited selection of advanced potted plants are still available for retail pick up at our nursery during this time, though we generally recommend that you wait until the growing season for most varieties (with the exception of winter growing water irises).

Plants will be available again for mail order around early Spring. Starting with the early temperate lilies and miscellaneous water plants around September or even August depending on conditions.

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Mail Order Season Has Begun

Mail Order season has begun with an early Spring. Our early plants and temperate lillies are now available for mail order on the web site.

The first orders will be sent out on Monday the 21st of August.

More plants will be made available over the coming weeks as they start growing for Spring, including Lotus.

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Mail Orders Closed For Winter

Mail orders are now closed for winter with all products listed as out of stock on the web site.

Plants will be available again next Spring, exact timing varies with seasonal conditions. However temperate lilies and early marginal plants usually become available very early in Spring between late August and early September. Lotus usually become available for mail order some time from late September to October. And tropical water lilies and other “Summer” water plants usually around October/November.

In the mean time most of our range remains available for retail purchase on site at our Nursery. However we do not recommend Winter as the best time to purchase even our advanced plants on site with some exceptions like Louisiana Water Iris.

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Louisiana Iris Available For Mail Order

Lousiana Iris grow over winter, so while many other plants become unavailable for mail order at this time of year Autumn is the prime season to order and plant out your Lousiana Iris.

For now only a handful of varieties have been listed as available, but over the next few weeks as we pot and assess our own stocks most of the range should be listed as in stock for mail order.

Because we close mail orders entirely through the middle of Winter the Lousiana Iris mail order season is relatively brief, so take the opportunity to order them while you can.

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Temperate Water Lily Mail Order Season Ends

Temperate water lilies are no longer available for mail order this season. Beyond this point it is no longer the correct time of year to divide and repot them safely so they are not available in the post.

They will be available again some time in early Spring once the growing/mail order season starts again.

Temperate lilies are still available sold as advanced potted plants on site at our nursery.

Tropical lilies and other plants are still available both on site at our nursery and for mail order on the web site. But the end of the entire mail order season is coming so get your orders in while you can.

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Short Mailing Week

Due to the long weekend mail orders will not be sent on Monday 3rd of October and will be held over to be sent on the next Monday instead.

We only send orders on Mondays and don’t send mail orders in shorter mailing weeks to ensure a maximum number of consecutive mailing days for your order to reach you as rapidly as possible.

Mail orders will resume as normal on Monday the 10th of October.

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More Lotus For Mail Order

Most of our range of Lotus plants have now been made available for Spring mail orders.

Notably however for retail pick up customers it is not yet a great time of year to buy lotus on site at the nursery. The ideal season for bare rooted mail order lotus tends to precede the ideal season for purchasing potted lotus plants at the nursery.

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Temperate Lilly Mail Orders End for 2015-2016 Season

Temperate water lillies are no longer available for mail order this season due to their uncoming Winter dormancy period.

Temperate water lillies will be available for mail order again some time in early Spring. They remain available for retail purchase as advanced potted plants at our nursery.

Tropical water lillies and various other water plants remain available for mail order for now, but only for a few more months before their own dormancy season.

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Lotus Mail Orders Ended For Summer

Our lotus plants are no longer listed as in stock and available for mail order on the web site as plants have grown too large and the lotus mail order season for the year is now over.

Other plants are still available including tropical and temperate water lilies and will be for the rest of summer.

Lotus plants are still available as advanced flowering plants sold retail directly from our nursery and will be through the rest of summer.