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2022 Mail order trial week

We have just activated a bunch of stock of plants and water lilies on the web site for mail order.

Orders will be sent on Monday 17th of January.

Since the week after will include the Anzac day public holiday we will close orders on the 17th to avoid sending out orders in a short mailing week.

This will also allow us to asses if 2021 mail delays are still an issue. Assuming packages arrive in a timely manner mail order will resume after the Anzac day week.

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2021 Mail orders closed due to postal delays

We have disabled mail orders entirely on the web site listing all items as out of stock.

This is because of increasing delays in express post parcel delivery at the moment resulting in many packages being delayed or lost.

Since our products are live plants even an excessive delay can result in the effective loss of the plants.

All outstanding orders should at this point have been sent.

A significant improvement in postage times before Christmas is unlikely so mail orders are likely to only resume some time in 2022.

In the mean time our retail nursery remains open to the public for retail purchase of a wider range of more advanced potted plants. Subject to covid safety rules and any changes to them.

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Some Additional Lotus Stocks

We have added some additional lotus stocks to the online store today.

They are likely the last run of lotus stock we will add for mail order this lotus season.

If it’s lotus and it’s not in stock now it either has already sold out or will not be available this season.

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First Lotus In Stock For Season

Our first run of lotus stocks for the season are now available and in stock online for mail order.

Lotus is not yet available retail at our nursery as a potted plant (and lockdown limits restrict who can visit anyway).

Lotus mail order season is short, plants are in high demand and stocks are low, there will be small amounts of additional stocks over the coming weeks but when we run out we run out until next year.

Some time after lotus mail order season advanced potted lotus plants will be available at our nursery for retail. They will remain in stock for most of Summer or until those stocks run out, lockdown restrictions permitting.

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2020-2021 Mail order season ends

Mail orders are over for the 2020-2021 mail order season.

With Winter dormancy being a bad time to send the vast majority of our plants in the mail they are all now unavailable for mail order and listed as out of stock on the web site.

Plants will be listed as in stock and available to order again this year some time in early Spring 2021 for the beginning of the 2021-2022 mail order season.

Plants are still available at our nursery for retail purchase as advanced potted plants instead of bare rooted mail orders. Plenty of plants will still be suitable to buy during this time as long as they don’t suffer the stress of division or mail order. However the deeper into Winter it gets the less advisable it is to move them and the smaller our range of even retail stock will become.

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2021 mail orders now available

A wide variety of stock on our website is now available for mail order for the 2021 summer mail order season. First orders will be sent out on Monday the 18th and then each Monday after.

Stocks include temperate and tropical water lilies. Lotus will not be available for mail order until next season (around September) but are available retail at our nursery as advanced potted plants.

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End of 2020 Mail Orders

All items on the store are listed as out of stock as mail orders for 2020 have now ended.

We do not send mail orders during December for the holiday break and to avoid extended shipping delays that occur near Christmas.

Last pending mail orders will be sent out on December 7th.

Mail orders will be available again in the new year.

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Short Mailing Week

Due to the long weekend mail orders are going out on Tuesday (6/10/2020).

Because of the short mailing week we are not sending orders that might take too long in the post. So orders for interstate regional areas are being held until next Monday (12/10/2020).

Orders for capital cities and regional NSW will be sent today.