Lotus plants are getting too large to send in the post and some time in the next few weeks lotus will no longer be available for mail order this season. A few varieties are already unavailable, place your orders while you can.
Author: Mathew Fenech
Tropical Water Lily Mail Orders Beginning For Summer
Our first varieties of tropical water lillies for the summer mail order season are now available to order on the web site. More varieties will become available over the next month or so.
Lotus Mail Order Season Has Begun
The majority of our lotus range is now available for mail order. Mail order season is relatively short and usually ends after just a few months when the plants are too large to post and its best to place orders and plant your lotus early anyway.
Lotus plants at the nursery will take a little longer to grow on and will be ready as advanced potted plants for retail at the nursery some time in the next month or two depending on seasonal conditions.
Mail Order Season Has Begun
Mail Order season has begun with an early Spring. Our early plants and temperate lillies are now available for mail order on the web site.
The first orders will be sent out on Monday the 21st of August.
More plants will be made available over the coming weeks as they start growing for Spring, including Lotus.
Mail Order Season Will Begin Soon
With early Spring like conditions mail order season will begin soon for early Spring plants including some temperate water lilies.
The first mailing day will be Monday 21st of August. Plants will be made available for mail order on the website during the week before that starting on the 14th of August.
After the 21st of August you can expect a growing range of our plants to rapidly become available for mail order as growth accelerates through Spring including most of our temperate lily range and also our Lotus range.