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Late mail order season is here

Online mail order will soon come to a close for the 2024-2025 season.

For now however some stocks remain available, and a number of Louisiana Water Iris have been made available to order.

Temperate Water lilies have been made unavailable as their potting season is over. A small selection of Tropical Water lilies remain available for now.

We have not decided on the Winter cut off date for mail orders yet this season, but it is likely to be soon and in the weeks until then the variety of available plants will only decrease as the season progresses to dormancy.

Next season will commence some time in late winter/early spring including our Lotus mail order season starting around the same time.

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Australia Day Mail Order Delay

Due to the Australia Day long weekend public holiday there will be a shortened mail order week.

For that reason mail orders during this period will be delayed an extra week before we send them out.

Delayed mail orders will be sent out when we resume our normal schedule of mail outs on the 7th of February.

You may still place orders on our website normally during this time, they just may be delayed a week because of our short mailing week policy.

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2025 Mail Orders Open

We have opened mail orders for 2025. A wide range of our plants including temperate and tropical water lilies are now in stock and available for purchase on our website store.

Mail orders are sent out on Mondays and the first mail orders of the year will be sent on Monday 13th of January 2025.

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Online Mail Orders Closed For December

We have closed mail orders and disabled all online stock for the rest of December to avoid our live plants arriving late due to the Christmas package crush.

Online mail orders will resume some time very early in 2025.

In the meantime our nursery remains open for retail only closing for Christmas and Boxing day.

In addition we are still holding our December open day and sale on the weekend of the 7th and 8th where our plants will be 10% off for retail sale and Midsummer Herbs will be there selling some other specialist plants as well including strawberries, herbs, perennial vegetables and Australian native plants.

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December Plant Sale and Open Garden Weekend

At Wallis Creek Watergarden we will be holding a 2 day sale and tour event on the weekend of the 7th and 8th of December.

In addition Midsummer Herbs another local specialist nursery will be selling their plants on site, they should have a range of plants including strawberries, herbs, perennial vegetables and Australian native plants.

All of our own plants, including Lotus, Lilies, Sarracenia, and miscellaneous pond and bog plants will be on sale at 10% off all weekend.

The gardens should be at or very close to their seasonal peak and we will be providing regular guided tours of the gardens and nursery at 10am and 2pm each day, and possibly more depending on turn out.

It should be a great opportunity to buy and see interesting plants at their seasonal best and learn all about them.

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2024 Lotus Mail Order Season Ends

Lotus mail orders are now closed for the 2024 season.

Lotus will be available for mail order again starting some time in late Winter or Early Spring in 2025 depending on seasonal conditions.

Meanwhile lotus on site retail season has started at the nursery. Advanced potted lotus plants in 33cm flower buckets are available for retail purchase at our nursery.

This year many already have buds on early. They will remain available for the season until March 2025 or as long as stocks last.

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Lotus Mail Order Update

We have made some updates to lotus stock levels for mail order on the website.

Plants are rapidly becoming too large to send in the post and within a week or two lotus mail order season may end, or stocks and available varieties will at least become extremely limited.